American Ten Hour Flower

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American Ten Hour Flower

Product code : CDL11

Price : Contact us

Common name: Ten o'clock, Big-flowered purslane

Scientific name: Portulaca grandiflora

Botanical family: Portulacaceae (purslane)

Ten o'clock is a plant native to South America, but widely grown in temperate regions.

Ten o'clock flowers are succulent herbaceous, small pale pink with many branches. The tree has a fast growth rate with a height of 10-15cm, spreads 15-30cm and easily forms roots when in contact with the soil.

The leaves of ten o'clock flowers are slightly flattened, 1.5-2cm long, the edges of the whole leaves are light green. Colorful flowers, can be red, pink, or white, usually only bloom from about 8-10 am in the day, so it is called a ten-hour flower.

Flowers at ten o'clock prefer light, suitable for well-drained and sunny places. The tree is easy to grow by growing small branches, easy to care for and grows quickly, so the ten-hour flower is not only planted to create a flower array but also planted in a hanging pot for decoration.

If you are looking for a flower to decorate the balcony, the ten o'clock flower is a flower worth choosing.

For more information about this flower, please contact us for the best support.
Ten-hour flower care: Ten-hour flower care needs to pay attention to the following factors:

Pruning: It is advisable to prune the branches that are old, or withered, the branches are too long, the tree should not be too dense, it will cause many diseases and fungi.

– Plants are very succulent, so they are favored by leafworms and snails, need to be thinned to allow light to shine in and are easy to handle when detecting worms or snails.

– Should be watered early in the morning, from 8 am to 10 am should not water the tree, because at this time the tree is flowering. Let the soil dry out before watering.

– The suitable location for the plant to grow and flower a lot is in dry and sunny areas. Do not leave the plant in a wet or shaded location, it will cause charcoal rot, root rot and elongation. dear eyes.

Fertilizer: Should apply Dinamic fertilizer for plants, once a month, after applying, water enough to wet the soil.


location-icon 158/28/17 Phạm Văn Chiêu, Phường 9, Quận Gò Vấp, HCM

tel-icon 0972 000 000



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