Porcelain flower - copy - copy

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Porcelain flower - copy - copy

Product code : CNT12

Price : 180.000 VNĐ
Quality :

Porcelain flower pots are chosen to beautify the landscape, school grounds, balconies, hallways, etc. Smooth glossy green leaves make people look passionate.

Porcelain plants are native to Central America and the Caribbean and African desert countries. Currently, they are grown quite popularly in Vietnam. With the scientific name Plumeria belongs to the oleander family, the tree is easy to grow and care for with many colors of yellow, pink, and white. The porcelain flowers bloom with 5 beautiful petals, and the trunk is succulent, short fat body, long branches with gray-green bark, leaves are usually concentrated at the top of the branches, oblong looks very beautiful.

Highlights of the porcelain flower tree

Many people who are looking to buy porcelain flower pots to display in the upcoming holidays and spring are looking for a reference about potted plants, please see the highlights of porcelain flower pots as follows:

+ The flowers are small funnel-shaped, grow in clusters and each flower has 5 large petals that are spread out beautifully.

+ The flowers have many colors: bright red, white, yellow, pink, ... they bloom all year round, often bloom in the dry season.

+ The roots are enlarged with a very beautiful shape, they can create many different shapes.

+ Succulent stems, stout, short and long branches with gray-green bark.

+ Leaves are mainly concentrated at the tips of branches, oblong.

+ Plants are easy to grow and very easy to take care of

The method of growing porcelain flowers in pots is quite beautiful

To decorate your home to become a green and fresh space, a beautiful porcelain flower pot is a very important contribution. As for the method of growing porcelain flowers in pots, many people are interested and to plant effectively, you can refer to the following method:

First, you must pay attention to choosing a suitable pot, ensuring easy drainage, including space for roots to develop when planted in a pot. You can choose a pot made of porcelain, earth, etc. to save space and make a pretty decoration when displaying.

+ Choose a fertile soil to help plants grow well. The soil has good drainage to avoid waterlogging. Therefore, you can choose a soil mixed with sand, compost, manure or rice husk ash to make soil.

According to the formula: 1 soil + 6 rice husk ash + 1 manure + 1 sandy soil or maybe 4 sand + 1 manure.

The main growing methods are: sowing seeds and cuttings. But mainly the method of cuttings is used most because it saves time and seeds are laborious, but later on, they will give us a beautiful root, easy to shape the tree.

+ Light: Standard light from 70 - 100% during the day only needs from 8 to 12 hours. If planting trees are not provided with enough light, it will lead to squishy plants, large but thin leaves, dark green, few flowers, and rotten roots. Therefore, it is advisable to place the pot in a place with good light conditions for the plant to grow sturdy and have beautiful flowers.

+ Watering: Porcelain flower plant is like a cactus with a succulent body and very good drought tolerance. Therefore, there is no need to water the plants a lot, just water just enough for the plants to have the ability to grow better and give beautiful flowers.

+ Fertilization: It is recommended to use NPK, P, N fertilizers with phosphate and potassium fertilizers to help plants grow better. Avoid applying too much nitrogen to make the leaves thin, easy to fall and rot. The time of fertilizing must be about 15-30 days apart. Do not fertilize or spray on plants while flowering to avoid damage, falling or burning.

In order to have a beautiful porcelain flower pot, you need to pay attention to the green worms, the spray moth larvae as soon as they detect the young buds or dark marks, the sap-flowing trunks, etc., the white bugs, the red spiders will do for fallen leaves, nematodes caused by uncleaned soil, etc., so please pay attention to take reasonable precautions for potted plants to grow lush and beautiful forever.

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