Soursop leaves - a cure for cancer effectively

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Soursop leaves - a cure for cancer effectively

On the newly launched Eat Health Plans announced for the plant's healing powers are extremely familiar with Vietnam: soursop.

Trong lá mãng cầu xiêm có chứa hợp chất giúp tiêu diệt tế bào ung thư

In soursop leaves contain compounds that help kill cancer cells

Soursop fruit is not only familiar, but nutrient-rich bark, trees, leaves and roots of it also has many health benefits. With only a few leaves soursop, you would have prepared a cure for countless diseases:


Use crushed soursop leaf covering up or scrub birthmarks birthmark. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, soursop leaves eczema help quickly improve the situation without leaving any side effects.

Cure rheumatism

Thanks to act as a natural anti-inflammatory substances, soursop leaves are used to treat rheumatism. You just boil the leaves and crushed leaves to form slurry. A mixture of leaves on the position of the joints pain 2 times a day. You will see rapid remission.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infection is the common name of bladder infections, kidney, ureter, urethra. Braking soursop leaves with boiling water, used as regular tea will help heal completely the urinary tract infections.


Gout is the horror of so many people suffer so much pain. Main cause of the disease is due to the excretion of uric acid is not complete. Get braking soursop leaves with boiling water, used as tea, drink a day will clean blood uric acid.

Improve immune system

If you feel you have the flu, infection or frequent colds, it is very likely your immune system is weakened. Soursop leaves will help you strengthen your immune system and cure quickly.


The most important of soursop leaves is of great advantage to the cancer. Many health experts agree that tea soursop leaves as cancer treatments more effective than chemotherapy or radiotherapy. In particular, this rustic leaves good for breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Moreover, this treatment does not leave any side effects.

To get the magic cure soursop leaf, you get 4-5 fresh soursop leaves, washed, add 3 cups of water into the pot, boil until only 2/3 of the water. Let cool before drinking as drinking tea.

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