What are the dangerous goods you need to know?
Freight is now developing in the context of a deepening market economy. Many units, courier companies, and modern freight forwarders have come into existence, contributing to improving service quality and bringing a new position to the shipping industry. In this article we learn together what to know when transporting dangerous goods to help customers can actively choose the form as well as the transport companies most appropriate.
Things to know when transporting dangerous goods
When transporting goods, units or individuals undertaking the transportation of goods must pay attention to the following conditions.
Dangerous goods are goods that contain dangerous substances when transported which are likely to cause harm to human life, health, the environment, safety and national security.
According to the nature of chemical, physical, dangerous goods are divided into the following nine categories:
- Type 1: Explosives; Substances and industrial explosives.
- Type 2: Flammable gas; Non-flammable, non-toxic gas; Toxic gas.
- Category 3: Flammable liquids and liquid explosives de-sensitized.
- Category 4: flammable solids; Self-reactive substances and highly desensitized explosives; Combustible substances; Substances in contact with water emit flammable gases.
- Category 5: Oxidants; Organic oxide compounds.
- Category 6: toxic substances; Contaminants.
- Type 7: Radioactive substances.
- Type 8: Corrosive substances.
- Category 9: Other dangerous substances and goods.
Transportation of dangerous goods involves many different ministries. The issuance of transport permits issued by each ministry or branch depends on the type of dangerous goods. Carriage of dangerous goods for the purposes of national defense and security of the armed forces shall be determined by the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Public Security.
- The Ministry of Public Security shall grant permits for transport of dangerous goods of types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9.
- The Ministry of Science and Technology grants permits for transport of dangerous goods of types 5, 7 and 8.
- The Ministry of Health shall issue a permit for the transport of dangerous goods for toxic chemicals used in the field of medical and insecticidal and germicidal chemicals for domestic use.
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issues permits for transport of dangerous goods which are plant protection substances. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall grant permits for transportation of dangerous goods for remaining dangerous toxic chemicals in dangerous goods of various types and groups.
What should an individual organize when transporting dangerous goods?
Before transporting dangerous goods, organizations and individuals must have a chemical safety data sheet which is provided by the manufacturer or importer, printed in Vietnamese with the following information: Chemical form; Identification of hazardous properties of chemicals; Information on the ingredients; Physical and chemical properties of chemicals; Degree of stability and operability of the chemical; Information on toxicology; Ecological information; First aid measure on health; Fire-fighting measures; Measures to prevent and respond to incidents; Storage requirements; Impact on humans and requirements on personal protective equipment; Requirements for disposal; Requirements in transportation; Technical regulations and regulations must be complied with; Other necessary information ..
Requirements for packaging, containers or containers
The packaging of dangerous goods, packages and containers of dangerous chemicals must conform to the current standards and standards on dangerous chemical packaging used in industrial production or international standards, which are surpassed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. ring.
Packages and containers of dangerous goods must have goods labels as prescribed in the Government's Decree No. 89/2006 / ND-CP of June 30, 2006, on goods labels and current regulations on goods labeling. Chemistry is a dangerous chemical.
Means of transportation of chemicals must meet the following requirements:
Means of transport must have appropriate fire fighting equipment and tools in accordance with chemicals during transportation. Covered, covered canvas, sure entire cargo compartment ensuring waterproof during transport. The size of the dangerous goods logotype stuck on the vehicle is 500mm x 500mm. Do not use trailer to transport chemicals. Do not transport chemicals that can react on the same medium. Do not transport chemicals along with passengers, pets, food, food, combustible, explosive and other commodities.
The transport means must be affixed with danger symbols of the goods or groups of transported goods. If the same transport means transports different kinds of dangerous goods at a time, such transport means must be affixed with all danger signs of such goods. Logo placements on both sides and behind the media. Underneath this logo must be posted danger signs of the shape, size, color regulation. If the dangerous goods are not continued, the dangerous symbols, cleansing and removal of toxic chemicals left on the means must be removed or removed.
Regulations on the process of transporting chemicals
The driver of the transport means must have a valid operating license and must have a certificate of chemical safety training issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. To be responsible for inspecting dangerous goods before transport, ensuring transport safety as prescribed; To fully observe the shipper's notices and the regulations inscribed in the permits for transport of dangerous goods; Transport only when sufficient permits, badges and signs as prescribed.
In the process of transporting chemicals, operators of chemical transport vehicles must comply with the following regulations: Must move in accordance with the schedule stated in the contract or other relevant documents on transportation of chemicals between owners Vehicles and owners of goods; Do not stop, park less than 100 meters (100 meters) away from crowded places such as markets, supermarkets, festivals, societies, schools, hospitals or drinking water.
Pursuant to Circular No. 25/2010 / TT-BKHCN of December 29, 2010, the Ministry of Science and Technology guides the procedures for granting permits for transport of dangerous goods. The provisions of Article 12 stipulate the responsibility of provincial / municipal Science and Technology Services to organize the examination of dossiers and grant permits for transport of dangerous goods to enterprises. Coordinate with functional branches (inspection of transportation, industry, public security, ...) to inspect and inspect the transportation of dangerous goods of the enterprises which have been issued transport permits.
Hazardous substances in transport management science are oxidants, organic oxide compounds (type 5), radioactive substances (type 7) and corrosive substances (type 8).
Enterprises in the province have dangerous goods to transport or enterprises carrying dangerous goods shall make a dossier set to be sent to the provincial / municipal Science and Technology Service. The dossier comprises the following 7 contents: The application for the permit for transport of dangerous goods; List of means of transport, means operators, escorts; List of transport schedules, types of dangerous goods to be transported, total weight of dangerous goods to be transported; Business commitment; Transport order; The carrier's written commitment (in case the enterprise hires means of transport of another enterprise); Chemical safety data sheet regulations.
Enterprises must submit together with the dossiers of valid copies of the following documents: Criteria applicable to dangerous goods-loading equipment announced by the enterprise; The test result card conforms to the announced standard for application of dangerous goods containers, which has been registered by the testing organization in the field of testing activities according to the provisions in Circular No. 08/2009 / TT-BKHCN dated April 08, 2009 of the Ministry of Science and Technology guiding the requirements, order and procedures for registration of conformity assessment activities.
Customers need to transport dangerous goods can contact us to be instructed to carry out procedures, processes in accordance with law and ensure the safety of goods and human life.
38H4, DN9 Street, Quarter 4, Tan Hung Thuan Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City
Ms Vy: 0973 690 779 - 0936 125 879
Ms Vân: 0933 871 139 - 0166 477 1352
Mr Trung: 0909 396 912 - 0989 307 717
vanchuyenphuongvy@gmail.com - vanmai.phuongvy@gmail.com